Build bird house yourself – DIY construction manual
introduction and appropriate construction materials
The commercial cages are often quite expensive and not customizable. If you choose a tailor-made piece that meets your customer needs and needs and is also inexpensive, you can Build bird house yourself.
For a medium sized birdhouse, you will spend no more than 7 euros and a larger, nicer house you can build yourself in a day.
This DIY task is both very interesting and funny, as well as environmentally friendly. Together with a friend who also has free time, you can easily create it.
The main points for a DIY birdhouse will be presented here. If you are standing on a stable structure you need concrete to form the housing. Note the fact that you should get permission before you start building the birdhouse.
Build bird house yourself
Most materials for this project can be found in the local hardware store. Use only safe, non-toxic building materials. Do not use canvas, cedar, redwood, brass, copper, zinc or fabrics that can be consumed. Galvanized metal mesh can be used as a wire, but first it should be with vinegar and wire brush be scrubbed.
Avoid using furniture varnish, formaldehyde, metal paint, pesticides or other chemicals. Reliable building materials include: exterior plywood, water-based polyurethane and non-toxic adhesive.
Striking birdhouse with colorful colors
Fairytale, rural design
Pointed roof made of metal
Playful birdhouse
Environmentally friendly DIY project
Put into use
Cute birdhouses
An entire roof garden has this traditional birdhouse
Rich decorated with rusted metal
old wood
Feed the birds
Small, colorful painted houses
Absolute eye-catcher
Hanging and resistant
Highly attached
For the love of the birds
Interesting stars
Surrounded by purple flowers
Metal and wood
Arranged on a garden bench
In the forest
Funny face
In the spring
In the front garden as an eye-catcher
Useful bird house made of existing materials
Think green!
Old wood and rustic look
Worn and rustic
Colorfully painted boots as bird’s nests
Surrounded by spring flowers
Exceptionally constructed – succulents
About the vine
winter’s Tale