The wall design – ideas for a beautiful wall design
This is how you choose the right shades for your wall design
You intend to cancel your apartment soon? When was the last line here? Do you still remember that? Surely you had to think of so many things, like furniture, curtains and light, etc. Everything has to be thought out very well, because ultimately, you make a choice that will determine the mood of your home for a very long time.
Even specialists have a hard time each time it comes to a new project. So, everyone needs some help to keep their priorities in mind.
Gentle wall design in the luxurious bedroom
Fresh dining room in light shades
Think of the emotions that all colors bring!
We have to do a lot of work in a stressful and stressful everyday life. We all feel the need to come back to an apartment that feels like a real home, right? The colors are fundamental in this regard. Before you read any studies on the psychology of colors, you should first consider what fits your human nature. Of course, do not forget the wishes of other people and roommates. Then compare that feeling with the typical emotions that nuances bring. The ideal compromise would also be the most appropriate choice in your wall design.
Rosan nuances for a feminine appearance
Emotions and colors
It should not be forgotten that the effect of any color brings with it different emotions. These are partly individual, but there are also some general trends. Below you can see the main tendencies for what message the wall design carries by choosing one or the other color.
– Blue makes you feel relaxed; The feeling can be compared to the view of a sea and the sky;
Light blue for the bedroom walls
Blue walls and white furnishings combine
– Cream is a gentle color; If you chose your wall ideas for that color, you would express love, care, and absolute devotion;
Small living room, which is still very fresh
– Gray is strict, yet at the same time decided and masculine; The apartment will also look a bit official and business-like. For a workroom, this choice is very appropriate.
Gray walls and dark blue sofa combine
– yellow is sunny and warm; Such a wall design ensures that you always have something of the summer and its warmth at home;
Wooden floor and yellow walls correspond well with each other
Highlight the light yellow wall color with darker curtains
– Green is the nuance of nature and the growing new life; You will be able to recover very quickly from the fatigue and exhaustion.
Create a fresh bedroom design
– By Beige you behave neutral; This nuance is suitable for people who have a strong need for security.
Beige stands nicely on the living room walls
– Purple is associated with the spring and the beauty of the flowers. But one associates thus also the power and the control.
Paint the wall behind the bed in the bedroom in deep purple
Mild shades in light pink
– Wall ideas with red are very brave; Because with it you bring out the power of fire, passion and strong emotions; If not as main nuances, then you should consider red as an accent;
The red accent wall gives the living room a special, attractive look
Do not be in a hurry to apply the paint
Do not use any color until you are absolutely sure what effect you want to achieve in the home. Should it be fresh or rather dominant? Should the color be the main message or more a background for other great wall ideas?
Spice up the white ambience with colorful decorations
Wall ideas for gloomy spaces
Your choice must also be adjusted to the amount of light that flows into the room. Many people choose wall ideas in dark rooms for very bright nuances. They hope to make everything appear brighter and more radiant. There are also many other refreshing nuances. Sometimes, like a painter, it helps to add a bit of a nuance, to move away and to let the whole thing take its toll on you. Also, be warned that most colors on the wall look darker than the patterns.
Yellow walls, leather sofa and stone wall combine beautifully in this living room
Red and blue create a wonderful contrast in the room
The light is important
Here we do not mean the fact of whether a room is flooded with light or not. It’s about the way the sun’s rays fall. This also depends on the effect of the objects placed inside. Here we also want to point out that there are paints and coatings that could provide a mirror effect. These could visually expand the space. Important condition is that the wall is absolutely smooth. With smooth colors and finishes, you can see even the smallest defects.
Red accent wall in the living room
Light blue wall and brick wall in beautiful combination with each other
Dark walls are elegant
For the nursery one often chooses light pink when it comes to a girl’s room