Build a wine rack – 25 stylish ideas to make your own

wine wine rack crafting wine bottles arranging wine glasses

Build a wine rack – a DIY project for wine lovers

In vino veritas! (The truth lies in the wine) Not without reason does this saying spread worldwide for so many centuries.

If you’re looking for the truth often, you’ll probably need a stylish wine rack at home to keep your precious wine bottles.

Did you notice that you own one Build a wine rack could. It’s not as hard as you might think. May this idea be your next DIY project. Take a look at the following photo examples and decide which one best suits your living space. We have selected simple and easy-to-use craft ideas for you which you certainly will not overcharge. Take a look while enjoying a glass of wine.

Fancy crafts? Build yourself a stylish wine rack

designer wine rack ideas diy project wine storage made easy

Wooden boards from the craft shop nailed in zig-zag form. The colored background in pink adds a special touch to the idea 

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 What can you do with a stump?

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Wine stand made of wood and curved metal plates

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This design looks so simple, rustic and impressive

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Homemade wine rack from old tin cans in four steps

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Do you have old records at home?

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Wood pieces on the wall at the right distance will hold your wine bottles

wooden plates nails wine rack build wine storage wine bottles on the wall

Two wooden boards and nails is everything you need to build a wine rack

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Wine rack made of wood panels on the wall

wood wine rack to make yourself build wine storage

Thanks to this construction, the wine bottles will be fixed

wood wine rack to make yourself easy to build wine storage at home

Build a wine rack in shabby chic style

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A wooden board nailed horizontally to the wall with holes on it 

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Another simple idea with wooden boards and metal rings in two sizes

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Fit an old wooden shelf to the dimensions of the wine bottles

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Compact wooden shelf for wine bottles and glasses

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Turn a regular shelf into a unique wine rack that fits your home bar perfectly

Wine Rack Shelf Customize Wine Bottles Bin DIY Project Wine Storage

A side table from an old V8 engine – the men’s favorite idea

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Wooden barrel as a wine rack – an original idea in the country house style

wine rack build wooden barrel diy project wine storage

And a shabby-chic idea – use your grandmother’s sideboard

Wine rack build old sideboard storage bin diy project wine storage shabby chic style

Build a wine rack made easy

wine rack build from wooden plates diy project wine storage

Craft ideas from Europallets – here you will find plenty of suggestions for furniture made of pallets

wine rack from europaletten crafting wine bottles

Like in a wine cellar

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Bricks used as a wine rack

wine rack bricks craft wine bottles