62 atmospheric ideas for Christmas decorations outside

christmas decoration outside christmas decorations

Inspiring ideas for your Christmas decorations outside

Are you lucky enough to live in a house with a garden? Then you also have the opportunity to spread the joy of Christmas outside. Depending on how visible your garden is from the street, you could also delight your neighbors or passers-by with your Christmas decorations outside.

The Christmas decoration on the outside creates additional mood for the passers-by

christmas decoration outside christmas decorations a whole world

The light silhouettes make us all smile

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Decorate your front door and the fence

If you want to spread Christmas spirit in the garden with relatively little effort, you will put the accent on decorating your front door and the fences. The most universal methods are fir trees and garlands. Some of you can make your own garden with various small gifts of nature from your own garden.

Fairy lights made of snowmen – of course with LED lights

Christmas decoration Christmas decorations illuminated

On the streets is bright as in the day with matching Christmas decoration

Christmas decoration Christmas decorations Street

A small Christmas exhibition

There is a great strategy for the Christmas decoration! From the unused pieces of jewelry you make a small exposure in the house. Exactly the same thing can happen in the garden!

Not only the lights, but also the play of light influence our minds

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And all the houses are surrounded by light

christmas decoration outside christmas decorations whole

Even outside we let stars illuminate our home festively

christmas decoration outside christmas decoration star

Snowflakes, angels and trumpets are common Christmas motifs

christmas decoration outside christmas decorations angel drop

The trees decorate

The Christmas balls are not just a Christmas tree. Get rid of this taboo! You can also decorate usual trees and shrubs with Christmas balls. You can also exhibit different decorative and plastic trees in the garden.

Light reflects the snow surface wonderfully – use that

christmas decoration outside christmas decorations red door

Apparently unusable autumn decoration is also used at Christmas

Christmas decoration Christmas decorations hedgehog

Here you can combine paper cutting with lanterns and marvel at the result

Christmas decoration Christmas decorations silhouette

The Christmas decoration depends strongly on the individual taste of each person 

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The Christmas decoration for the outside is the best in the evening

weihnachtsdekoration-outside-weihnachtsschmuck light chain-Pots Snowman

Flower tub with Christmas decorations

What kind of window decoration do you have on the outer windowsill? Do you have great flowerpots? Decorate them with some Christmas balls and you will reach fabulous mood for the party.

Make your Christmas decorations inviting!

Christmas decoration Christmas decorations Santa Claus

LED Christmas balls – many innovations have succeeded

christmas decoration outside christmas decorations for outdoors

Do not combine too many colors and use candles

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Hang the colorful balls on the snow-covered trees

christmas decoration outside christmas decoration ball

Do not restrict yourself with the same motives

christmas decoration christmas decorations candy cane over-expanded

Again, you can use the less is more rule

christmas decoration christmas decorations cones

You can light a lot of light! There is no fire hazard!

christmas decoration outside christmas decoration ball blue

Christmas scenes

With DIY decoration or paper figures and other garden sculptures, you can recreate the scene of Christ’s birth in your garden. This only enhances the contemplative mood for holy feast. At the same time you remind all friends and acquaintances of the real meaning of Christmas.

christmas decoration outside christmas decoration reindeer

Christmas decoration Christmas decorations silhouette

Christmas decoration outside Christmas decorations for children

christmas decoration outside christmas decoration fairy lights flowerpots fairy lights

christmas decoration christmas decorations fairy lights dwarf

christmas decoration christmas decorations stars white

christmas decoration christmas decorations santa claus motorcycle

Christmas decoration Christmas ornaments silhouette

Christmas decoration Christmas decorations fence at night

Christmas arrangement and arrangements

A Christmas arrangement and great floral arrangements in the colors of the festival can also decorate the garden. They can be recreated from nature’s gifts and DIY materials. See that they correspond thematically to the rest of your decoration. You should also style yourself well in your garden design.

Christmas decoration Christmas decorations hedgehog

christmas decoration christmas decorations fir

christmas decoration outside christmas decoration fairy lights flowerpots midnight cones


Have you always wanted to experiment with DIY lanterns? Take advantage of the euphoria of the Christmas season for it. Create a lot of DIY lanterns and decorate the garden.

christmas decoration outside christmas decoration fairy lights flowerpots lantern

christmas decoration outside christmas decorations lanterns snowman


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christmas decoration christmas decoration fairy lights flowerpots poinsettia

Bring the Christmas decoration outside in line with this inside

Actually, almost everything that one makes of Christmas decoration inside, also transferred to the outdoor area. This stylistic and thematic coincidence has a special charm and looks very upscale. Some types of decoration simply have to be slightly different due to the outside conditions.

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christmas decoration outside christmas decorations lantern

christmas decoration christmas decorations white animals

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christmas decoration christmas decoration nativity play

christmas decoration christmas decoration fairy lights flowerpots poinsettia balcony

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Christmas decoration Christmas decorations fence

For example, your garden décor for Christmas does not have to be blown away so easily by the wind. Furthermore, the Christmas decoration outside must not break and weather due to rain and snow.

We wish you a good luck with your garden decoration and of course a Merry Christmas!

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christmas decoration outside christmas decorations dwarfs

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christmas decoration outside christmas decoration fairy lights flowerpots adventskranz-alternative

christmas decoration christmas decorations candy cane

christmas decoration outside christmas decoration fairy lights flowerpots mr grinch

christmas decoration outside christmas decoration fairy lights flowerpots reindeer




Christmas decoration Christmas decorations fence illuminate