Garden sculptures made of stone: beautify the garden in style

garden sculptures stone huge hand garden plants

Garden Sculptures Stone: Properties and Care

It is well known to all that the stone represents the most sustainable material and also one of the noblest. But he also needs some care to keep his best features as long as possible. If you know it, today’s stone garden sculptures can remain a legacy for many generations to come.

A clear proof for this are the great stone sculptures, which have survived from antiquity to the present day.

Make the garden look more interesting

garden figures stone eleven figurine garden beautify

Are the Garden sculptures stone lifeless?

There are endless expressions that emphasize the lifeless character of this material. “Cold as a stone” represents a typical example. But are such expressions actually fair? Garden sculptures made of stone seem to prove exactly the opposite.

Is not that a cool frog?

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First, they are very diverse. They are often created from noble materials like marble and granite. Out of these you created many great works that represent classical music in our art history. They are also preferred when creating monuments or tombstones. With the latter, it is important to leave the impression of liveliness.

The hare hides behind the plants

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Give style to the garden

garden sculptures stone dog garden beautify ideas

If Garden sculptures stone can revive the urban landscape, what is left for the gardens? They spread their flair even more in such contexts. But what can you do to keep them as long as possible?

Why are the garden sculptures made of stone broken?

First, let us explain why the stone garden sculptures are destroyed at all. In the open outdoor area they are exposed to the different weather conditions. In addition, air pollution plays a major role in the Stadtgarten.

Wonderful mushrooms of stone

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A sympathetic goose among the plants in the garden

garden sculptures garden beautify goose garden plants

The garden sculptures, which are located in regions with high humidity and strong wind, are particularly difficult to maintain in the original form. Mild mold and moss can be beautiful in some cases, but in the long run they also destroy the structure of garden sculptures.

So you maintain the garden sculptures made of stone

The following steps are for you when your Garden sculptures stone already more or less damaged by the external conditions and need special care to look beautiful again.

Garden figures are real eye-catchers in the garden

garden sculptures stone fitting care gardening ideas

If you want to give the garden a romantic touch

garden sculptures stone beautify romantic touch garden

You must first clean the stone garden sculptures from dirt, moss or other organic buildup. Thereafter, inequalities or damages may be visible. They must be filled with special resources so that the original structure is restored.

Stone figures make the garden more natural

garden sculptures stone beautiful gardening care

Now you need means to work the surface of the stone garden sculptures so that they look like they were from the beginning. You can find the necessary funds in specialized shops. Regular care is also a key to success in preserving the beauty of stone garden sculptures.

Put on a fancy garden figure, which will be the accent in the garden

garden sculptures make beautiful garden ideas exterior

Garden figure owl

garden sculptures stone owl garden beautify